Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs will help if you are new to Lamberti Physiotherapy, or if you just want to know how we provide our services. Please have a look at these questions and answers to guide you through our patient process.

How do I book?
You can phone, make an online booking or email a completed web form to which we will respond. You will receive a booking and an sms with a link. That link will take you to an online page where you will be asked to fill out your information, as well as give consent to the treatment. This needs to be done before your therapy session.
Do you charge medical aid rates?
Yes, depending on which medical aid you are with. Once you have loaded all your details via the sms link, we will have all the relevant access to submit fees to the medical aid. If your medical aid doesn’t cover physiotherapy or you have run out of funds, then the account needs to be settled by you. You will be given or sent an invoice for payment.
How do I find you?
On the Find a Practice page on our website, each Practice has their own page, with the address, contact details and a map. Please give us a call if you are still not sure.
How do I rebook?
You can either call, book online or fill out the email request form on our website.
What do I need to bring along?
Please could you bring your medical aid card if you have one, a towel for the bed and shorts if you need them for the session. If you have any reports, X-rays or other tests/images then please bring these along for your physiotherapist to see.
What are your health and safety protocols/procedures?
We take all precautions to keep our practices safe and hygienic. If you would like to bring your own towel and shorts, please do so.
If you are sick or feeling unwell, please consider the physiotherapist as well as other staff and patients in the practice by re-booking your appointment.
Should you be concerned about Covid-19, please follow this link to the national Covid-19/Coronavirus website.
How do I fill out my details online?
You will be sent an sms with a link to My Grand Central (MyGC). Here you will be prompted to fill out your personal details, as well as your medical aid details. You will also be prompted to fill out our electronic consent form.
Can I book online if I am not an SA citizen or resident with an ID number?
Yes, you can! Where the link to the booking app asks for your ID number put the following in the field: yymmdd0000000 to make a 13-digit ID number, as a passport number does not get accepted. Fill out the rest of the details as comprehensively as possible.
What can I expect?
On arrival at the practice, you will be greeted at reception and “checked in”. If your online forms have not been completed, you will be asked to complete a form manually so that you can be loaded onto the system.
Once this is done your physiotherapist will come fetch you and take you to a private treatment room. Please feel free to bring along towels and shorts if this may be needed for your treatment.
When you are in the room the physiotherapist will guide you through some questions so as to problem solve and find out what you are coming in for. The physiotherapist may spend some time gathering this information and then the observation/objective assessment will start. You will likely be asked to expose the area that is of concern for the physiotherapist to observe.
Once the physiotherapist has gathered all the information/tests needed, you will begin with treatment. This may be a little shorter the first session considering time will be spent on a thorough assessment. The physiotherapist will spend the entire session guiding and educating you and may give you home exercises or tips to try at home.
After your session, the physiotherapist will likely reassess the problem and then negotiate when/if you need to return for any follow up sessions.
The physiotherapist will then bill you and you will either be asked to pay if your medical aid does not cover your session or else, we will submit it directly to your medical aid for them to pay us. All unpaid accounts by the medical aid are the patient’s liability. You can also book a follow-up appointment before leaving. Hopefully by this stage you are feeling a little better and have a feeling of knowing what the problem may be and how to go about getting the problem sorted out.
Request a treatment
Complete the form below and we’ll contact you to set date and time